Beauty Blend Tea (1.8 oz)

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This heart-hugging potion is a soul sister to our herb-obsessed skin care, and they both agree that beauty is fleshed out by the nutrition and nourishment of nature’s medicine.

Once brewed, it is a liquid ode to Earth’s bounty, starting with organic, hand-selected yerba mate, nettle, and horsetail. They can all stimulate and support a healthy glow from within due to their rich quantities of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and bioflavonoids.

Then, there are the age-defying fruits. Organic goji berry and sea buckthorn berry are two ingredients we prize in our skin care for their vast array of minerals, fatty acids, and Vitamin C. Their remedial benefits are thousands of years in the making.

We finished the Beauty Blend with lemongrass, which is one of the first notes your nose will catch. It tastes vaguely floral with a hint of something citrus—the perfect topnotes to balance the blend's earthy essence. As for your mood, well...

You'll notice a subtle lift upon first sip. This full-bodied, lightly-caffeinated tea will promote energy and clarity as it enhances your morning ritual at the dawn of a new day, when beauty is a mere teaspoon away.

Made With:

Organic Yerba Mate, Organic Horsetail, Organic Nettle, Organic Dandelion, Organic Goji Berry, Organic Sea Buckthorn Berry, Lemongrass

Steeping Instructions:

Fill your tea infuser with 1 rounded teaspoon. Bring water to a boil and let sit for a minute to bring the temperature down to 190°. Infuse into 8-12 ounces of water for 6+ minutes. Enjoy!

Sale price$12.00

EWG Hazard Score

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The Skin Deep ingredient hazard score, from 1 to 10, reflects known and suspected hazards linked to the ingredients. The EWG VERIFIED®mark means a product meets EWG’s strictest criteria for transparency and health.


A product’s hazard score is not an average of the ingredients’ hazard scores. It is calculated using a weight-of-evidence approach that factors in all of the hazards or health impacts associated with the ingredients.

EWG Verification Process

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An EWG VERIFIED®mark on a product indicates that the company’s ingredient disclosures show the product has met our full criteria to ensure it adheres to our standards for health.

  • Meets EWG's criteria for overall product hazard score
  • Does not contain any ingredients on EWG's "Unacceptable" list
  • Discloses all ingredients, including those in fragrance.

You can review EWG’s full criteria for the EWG VERIFIED mark here.

Why EverPure Market Loves their Products

At EverPure Market, we prioritize ingredient safety and potential health risks. Our brands meticulously curate their selection of cosmetics, cleaning supplies, and food, only including products that meet their rigorous standards. Every item undergoes careful scrutiny.

By using the EWG and MADE SAFE databases, EverPure Market enables consumers to easily identify and select products that align with their health and environmental values. Whether you're a parent looking for baby products free from harmful chemicals, or a pet owner wanting pet-friendly cleaning supplies, EverPure Market has got you covered

Purity is everything

EverPure only carries brands and products that are non-toxic, environmentally friendly, carcinogen-free, and endocrine disruptor-free. By carefully curating their marketplace, they ensure that customers can shop with confidence, knowing that they are purchasing only the highest quality products that meet their strict standards.

Overall, EverPure Market makes purchasing healthy, non-toxic products effortless by providing a one-stop-shop for customers who value health and environmental safety. Through their commitment to transparency and high standards, they ensure that customers can make informed decisions and shop with confidence.

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